
I primarily work with fiction editing, including developmental editing, copy or line editing, general critiques on beta reads, and sensitivity reading for manuscripts. Critiques of novel and novella-length work tends to average 1k of feedback for every 25k of manuscript. Non-fiction work will also be considered.


  • General article writing
  • Biomedical sciences for general audiences


  • Short fiction to novel-length (>3k words, upper limit negotiable)
  • Fantasy and all its subgenres, science fiction, and horror
  • Adult fiction only, please (I am sadly not well-versed in YA)
  • Query/pitch critiques and editing
  • In general, my rates are $60 CAD / 10k words of manuscript, query/pitch workshopping for $50 CAD. Copy and line editing vary (approx $0.01CAD/word).

Please to contact me via form for any considerations.

Ashley Deng